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The Taxpayers Best Friend Dr. Ron Paul Working for us!

Ron Paul believes that good, responsible governing begins at home: and that includes his campaign! Ron Paul gets most of his campaign funds from individuals. READ RON'S BIO >>

latest NEWS

2009-10-31 Super User The Issues {video youtube,07vWM74PL-8,620,350,0,#FFFFFF,_blank}

Alex Jones Drafts Ron Paul for 2012

Mauris mattis tempor est. Vivamus sed nisi. Quisque arcu tortor, suscipit eu, tempor eget, placerat at, nibh. Vivamus ...

2009-10-17 Super User The Issues {video youtube,ysiTp8J5UZ0&hl,620,350,0,#FFFFFF,_blank}

Why "Cash for Clunkers" Unnecessarily Hurts The Poor

Mauris mattis tempor est. Vivamus sed nisi. Quisque arcu tortor, suscipit eu, tempor eget, placerat at, nibh. Vivamus ...

2009-10-17 Super User The Issues {video youtube,gfnsasjgRO4&hl,620,350,0,#FFFFFF,_blank}

Video Update: The Latest on Education and Healthcare

Mauris mattis tempor est. Vivamus sed nisi. Quisque arcu tortor, suscipit eu, tempor eget, placerat at, nibh. Vivamus ...

2009-10-17 Super User The Issues {video youtube,ZkWJTBgvAcw&hl,620,350,0,#FFFFFF,_blank}

To Congress: We Need Competition in Medical Care

Mauris mattis tempor est. Vivamus sed nisi. Quisque arcu tortor, suscipit eu, tempor eget, placerat at, nibh. Vivamus ...



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latest EVENTS

  • 02 SEP

    Wall Street Unspun 9 16

    Peter Schiff's Mid-week
    Market Outlook

  • 02 SEP

    Wall Street Unspun 9 16

    Peter Schiff's Mid-week
    Market Outlook

  • 02 SEP

    Wall Street Unspun 9 16

    Peter Schiff's Mid-week
    Market Outlook

  • 02 SEP

    Wall Street Unspun 9 16

    Peter Schiff's Mid-week
    Market Outlook

  • 02 SEP

    Wall Street Unspun 9 16

    Peter Schiff's Mid-week
    Market Outlook

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as he discusses taxes, free markets, healthcare and more.


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